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End of Life Preparation


  • Healthcare Directive: Ensure the Medical POA (Power of Attorney) is clear about your loved one’s wishes. Be specific. For example, explicitly specify whether artificial feeding (if your loved one can’t swallow) is or is not desired, or dialysis. Many standard forms provided in your State are vague. — Beth N.
  • Make sure you get authorized to legally sign and speak for your loved one. Either get added to a bank accounts, etc., as a co-owner or just a signer, get a Durable POA if possible.  Do this for ALL accounts, credit cards, etc. It is sometimes/often the case if dementia is involved, you can still get a DPOA set up if there is no one to fight you on the competency issue. — Beth N.
  • Remember that upon death, EVERYTHING you have legal access will cease.  Make sure there is a will, you can get to it easily, and if you are not the Executor/Trustee, that you take care of what you must before you notify the world your loved one has died. — Beth N.
  • Pre-arrange for cremation and funeral arrangements while you and your loved one are in a calm vs. emotional state. When the time comes, only one phone call needs to be made. — Stacey D.